Working with schools
Support is provided to schools through a service level agreement. I will provide the agreed number of visits based on your needs and priorities. Any written reports will be sent to you on a specified day, usually the day of the visit.
Individual casework
I provide a flexible, needs-based approach to working with individual pupils. This will begin with a consultation and may then include observation, gathering the learner’s views and/or assessment. Assessment may examine one or several aspects of child development and we will tailor this based on a collaborative discussion.
I am available to deliver training on a wide range of topics. This might focus on specific interventions (e.g. precision teaching), understanding pupil behaviour, improving independence, building resilience or specific need types (e.g autism, working memory, literacy difficulties). Educational psychology has insight to contribute to all elements of school provision.
Further support
Further support for schools can include supervision for individuals or groups of staff, mentoring teachers who are looking to adapt their practice, or providing input into whole school approaches (e.g. curriculum design, behaviour policies), or building your capacity to meet a certain challenge (e.g. pupil mental health, engaging with families, staff stress). I hope to work with schools for the long term and adapt my offer as we get to know each other.